What Your Money Can Buy
Your donation to Miade, however small, can go a long way in improving the quality of life for the people of Togo.
The costs shown below might vary according to dollar rate.
For $5 You Can: |
- Provide basic school supplies for a child’s school term.
- Provide a hygiene kit for one child in a local village.
For $10 You Can: |
- Train a pump mechanic to maintain a community water well.
- Purchase two banners to promote awareness of the HIV & AIDS pandemic.
For $25 You Can: |
- Purchase foods that promote general health at monthly Nutrition Fairs.
- Purchase 84 bottles of water purifier for families with children under 5.
For $50 You Can: |
- Purchase mosquito nets for nine vulnerable children to prevent malaria.
- Purchase products for four enriched-porridge cooking demonstrations.
For $100 You Can: |
- Cover vocational school tuition for one out- of-school youth.
- Purchase 10 shovels to rehabilitate one kilometer of impassable roads in three communities.
For $250 You Can: |
- Provide 50 orphans and vulnerable children with health insurance for a year.
For $500 You Can: |
- Erect a spring catchment well to provide clean water to 250 people.
For $1,000 You Can: |
- Help with the construction of a community dam for irrigation in rural communities.
For $2,000 You Can: |
- Rehabilitate a Community School or provide school support, (uniforms, shoes, exam fees, tuition, uniform etc.) for orphans and vulnerable children.
For $5,000 You Can: |
- Empower 50 women through adult literacy classes.
- Erect a hand-pump water well for 500 people.
*These examples are approximations and are subject to change due to area of project implementation and currency exchange rates. |